Sunday, April 30, 2006
Oil Problem
When people say the world is going to end one day. I believe they are speaking the truth. The core source of energy (Oil) that we rely on is at it's peak. This means the extraction of oil has been on it's highest due to recent demands of oil from the masses. There has been alternatives in energy, but the results are damaging. Alternatives were methane being extracted from our water, but the process will release too much methane into our atmosphere. There were thoughts on extracting petroleum from tarsand but the process of extracting these materials will ultimately come to an end, and the costs of these operations are greater than the cost to extract fossil fuels. Like my professor said, oil is finite, so is many of our resources. Over the course of history, humans depend of resources to survive. The more resources in the land, meant that the land can support a higher population. All successful civilizations that had prospered, depended on their accessability to resources in their land. The more resources available, the more people can be supported. But like the phrase, "what goes up must come down," goes for all civilizations also. Like our civilization as of now, we depend widely on oil. When populations grow exponentially, their demands for resources will also grow exponentially. Because resources are limited, supplys are forever dropping. The rate of the supplies dropping depends on the demand of that resource. People are investing their retirement funds on oil stocks, ignoring the reality that investing in oil will only ensure the depletion of our declining energy source. It may be hard to change our ways, and destroy the luxuries of having lights, cars, t.v, etc. But when it comes down to having to choose from luxuries or survival, most people would choose survival. As of now, there had been an excellent job at cloaking these problems and second thoughts of thinking where we are heading for in the future. So people continue to live their normal lives, thinking economists and the higher ups will handle everything and bring the people to a "brighter" future.